The next Know Your Housing Rights workshop for private renters who are learning English to take place on the 28th November in collaboration with EFA.
From May until August, we hosted a series of Know Your Housing Rights workshops for private renters. In partnership with Southwark Law Centre, we delivered sessions on disrepair, evictions, tenancy documents, deposits and much more. The workshops have always been free to attend, allowing PRS tenants in Southwark to ask their burning questions to a housing solicitor.
We are now opening our Winter season! Our next Know Your Housing Rights workshop has been scheduled for the 28th November in partnership with English for Action (EFA). The workshop will take place remotely over Zoom between 4pm-6pm and will cover the issue of deposits and evictions. The session is intended for people whose native language is not English and who are still in the process of learning it.
If you are a private tenant in Southwark with English language barriers and would like to join the session, please send us a message via our request form here , briefly explaining why you would like to join, and we will get back to you.
English For Action is an organization which provides participatory, action-orientated English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes for migrants across London. To find out more about their work or join their course, please visit their website here