With the start of a new year and new resolutions, we are looking back on the things we achieved in 2022.
For us, 2022 was a whirlwind year full of achievements! With the continuous support from local organizations and Southwark’s private renters, we have:
- Delivered nine Know Your Housing Rights workshops in little over six months on various topics – evictions, disrepair, deposits, licensing and court proceedings;
- Provided an opportunity to over 140 Southwark private tenants to get their housing questions answered by a housing expert;
- Surveyed nearly 240 of Southwark’s tenants to get their voices heard on their private renting experience;
- Launched a Southwark private renters’ website with visits going up from week to week!;
- Hosted a Private Renters’ Conference with over 30 organizations attending to discuss how Southwark’s private rented sector could be improved in the near future;
- Wrote a proposal to Southwark Council for an establishment of a permanent Southwark Private Renters’ Support Organization to be launched in Spring 2023.
In 2023, we hope for the following:
- Continuation of informative housing workshops to empower tenants;
- Establishment of a permanent Southwark Private Renters’ Support Organization sometime in April 2023 (this webpage for the future organization is currently run by an interim project);
- Your participation! You can contact us via our web form – we would love to hear from you!;
- Campaigns to better private housing conditions. You can tell us what issue matters to you most via our web form ;
- Closer working relationship between Southwark’s organizations which offer support to private tenants
- More fines and prosecutions of rogue landlords who fail to provide good homes to their tenants.